Vineyards in Champagne

Vineyards in Champagne

Vineyards in Champagne Now is the time to visit vineyards in Champagne, producers of the wine, and it’s spectacular towns. See story Buy a print of this photo

Making Sparkling Wine

making sparkling wine

About making sparkling wine This photo shows the residue built up in the capped bottle. This is a waste product of fermentation that occurred in the bottle. Yeast was introduced into the bottle and then the bottle was capped. This creates the bubbles in sparkling wine. The CO is a by-product of fermentation and is … Read more

A Visit to Janisson & Sons

It is best when you visit the Champagne region that you find your way off the A4 highway that leads to Reims; find the Champagne Wine Route that travels through many a small village where one can discover many small Champagne producers.

Champagne and La Ravenne

Our French wine excursion now moves to the Champagne region where we have rented a house just outside the small village of Le Breuil, about 25 miles from Epernay and on the western edge of the great Champagne Wine Route.