Alston Park – Hiking in the Napa Valley


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Joe Becerra

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Easy hiking Alston Park in Napa
Easy hiking Alston Park in Napa
Easy hiking – Alston Park in Napa

Alston Park – Hiking in the Napa Valley

On our last visit to the Napa Valley, we discovered a great hiking spot in the Napa Valley. The area is Alston Park. It is a park that the locals have been hiking for years. If you feel like you have had too much of the good life of the Napa Valley and a little exercise is in order, Alston Park is an excellent choice.

Within less than a mile of hiking, there are great views of the Napa Valley. The trails lead into beautiful meadows and woodland forests. There are side attractions of amazing homes and beautiful vineyards. If you are a trail runner, this is a fantastic place to do a morning run.

Alston Park is a Napa City Park. There are trail guides posted at the entrances but no hard copy to take with you. To get to the park, take a left at Trower Road from Highway 29 in Napa. Drive to the end of Trower to Dry Creek Road. There are two entrances on Dry Creek Road, about a mile apart. The south entrance is an area where dogs can run free. Take the north entrance where dogs must be on a leash. There are a few benches and tables scattered throughout the park and packing in a lunch is a very good idea on a beautiful day.  Rules often change so always check the Napa Parks Website for the latest hiking information.

After your hike, head to one of the many great wine trails in the Napa Valley. Taste wine and enjoy the beauty of the Napa Valley. Here are our favorite wine trails and wineries to visit.

Additional information on the town of Napa

Happy hikers at Alston Park
Happy hikers at Alston Park
  • Joe Becerra

    Joe Becerra has been traveling to wine country and enjoying wine since 1965. He is a retired educator, and now have the time the opportunity to share his wine travel experiences through this Website.