January weather in wine country


Written by:

Joe Becerra

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January in wine country
January in wine country
January in wine country

January weather in Wine Country

January is one of our favorite months to visit the wine country. Tourism comes to a crawl and the roads are free of traffic. In the tasting room, you just might be the only visitor. Yes, it does rain a lot in January, but the clear and sunny days are a delightful time to be in the California wine country. Except for the very popular lodging and restaurants, you are likely to find a reservation easily. Look for Internet specials and package deals. On a clear day and crisp day, think of doing something outdoors. Try a walk, a hike, or a picnic lunch in the vineyard.

Use this weather widget to get a forecast for the days you plan on visiting the wine country.  Click on the weather widget to enter your wine country destination.


Video showing all the seasons that occur in wine country

  • Joe Becerra

    Joe Becerra has been traveling to wine country and enjoying wine since 1965. He is a retired educator, and now have the time the opportunity to share his wine travel experiences through this Website.

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